Monday, October 20, 2008

The story of stuff

After watching the video The story of stuff, I feel upset.Considering more consumption means more pollution more trash and more destruction for the earth,I feel so shameful to tell someone I like shopping when being asked.for a long time, we don't realize what we are doing now.Shopping makes people self-satisfied.Some of us go shopping for enjoying,some are for killing time but some are for competition,gorvernment and corporation encourage people consuming for economy.for different reasons and different purposes,people go shopping.But, we never realised how harmful we do for envirnment and for the earth.I don't want to emphsis more cause this video has told more. I think a part of poeple should change the consumption habit,because most of time things they buy are not they really want just as decoration or luxury.More stuffs means more trash.


Hot Pink said...


I have to confess that I felt the same way. Even we are only the top of the iceberg, we shoud be held responsabe for this process in crisis. It is also our responsability as costumers...

OuiMashiDuo said...

I agree with you. Nowadays people go shopping more. More stuff they buy means more trash we have. Our world is having more and more trash. As a result, our environment is getting dirty and our health is getting weak because of toxic. We should do something to make our world better.

Renay said...


Hi, don't feel guity about your shopping~~It's a necessary to everybody. What you should do just avoiding to buy useless things is ok~~
In my opinion, you may need to add some summary on your blog. It will be perfect~~

Alyssa R. said...

I agree with renay - add a little bit more summary of what the video describes and then tell us more about how you feel. I also agree that you shouldn't be too guilty about shopping. You could always go window-shopping - then you can shop but you don't have to consume!